Monday, June 27, 2011

Run My Greasy Fingers Up Your Greasy Spine

This weekend was a roller coaster. Like all things in my life. I have to get cold feet over everything and change my mind seven times and feel guilty about the decisions I make right or wrong. That"s pretty much been in full force this past weekend. Mental issues, relationship issues, too much wine, not enough sobriety. Too much sobriety, not enough wine. A 21st birthday party (my best pal Jake's) some eye opening conversations (including one on Jake's fire escape with an awesome friend and neighbor I met named Luke) some prometha-scares some patch-chewing scares and a whole lot of fucking MOTLEY CRUE! And poison and the New York Dolls. But I didn't buy panties from either of them.  

Monday, June 20, 2011

Someday I Will Work For Matel

I've been such a recluse lately. Wallowing in my own misery because I have no motivation to go out and do the things that I want to do. I'm sitting at my mothers house, (the only place I have internet) drinking wine and watching this new Showtime series called "Shameless." I'm completely in love with Fiona, the main character played by Emmie Rosem. I've recently relocated to Cincinnati, Over the Rhine to be precise. I've been living there with my girlfriend, Christina. She's really into zombie movies and old school music. What I would like to be doing is working on clothes and making them. Which I have been dabbling in here and there. I have all these dreams that I just want to make realities and it seems so impossible. I'm living in the city, which I positively love. I don't take enough pictures. I want to get my feet wet with fashion design. Just sewing and learning. Getting me land legs. I'm not sure. I feel like my life has been on fast forward since school let out and there hasn't been any time for me to breathe and think about what I want to do. But here are some inspirational pictures for you. Since this is supposed to be a fashion blog and everything. This is a little dose of what I've been feeling.

I watched Steel Magnolias for the first time last night and I'm in love. It was so sweet and sad and I love Daryl Hannah's part in it. She's so conservative and skiddish and 70"s. precious