Monday, December 19, 2011

No one wants to be a good girl


Finally got all the pictures off my phone!
Here's a little photo journal, starting from the beginning of summer.
play by play!

some lovely elders @ roxy's


Nomi Boutross 

Someones bad day

Cat on the wall @ neons!

li twig dress

banana split

annabelle's mom's yoga routine

painting commission!


canadian Danger tattoos

a psychedelic summer

black widow spider
in Native American Literature!

Figure Drawing: Martha

 Figure Dawing: Skeleton

Poodle in a hoodie!

Sushi Box

Minnie Mouse & Milkshakes

Ohio Book Store


Figure Drawing: Julia

Giant Linocut from TigerLily!

Figure Drawing: Julia

Screenprinted Deceptabag!

Figure Drawing: Final

The most perfect heart shaped strawberry

Fiasco the cat!