So, I posted a while ago that I was going to start a weekly feminist bit and as we all know that never happened. Because I just can't keep up with expected bull shit like that. However, although its not all that academic and although I haven't reported anything I've been studying up. Mostly on feminist angsty grunge bands thanks to feminist angsty grunge Eric from The Palm. Just last night he gifted me with the vocal miracles of Giant Drag, Katie Garside, Cat Power, and Electrocute. Thus! Bringing me to my next point, I've decided that although I have no specialized skills in singing, or playing any sort of instrument, or writing songs I'm going to start a feminist grunge band.
I've always wanted to be the frontlady of a band. I feel like I have all the qualities besides actual musical talent. Which, how hard can that be to learn? I guess we'll find out. But for now I must recruit.
Ladies full of anger and oppression come one come all
Be cute and learn to play an instrument
come be in my band.
For real though, come be in my band.
We are also seeking management. So, if you think you can teach me to write a song or strum a bass guitar, get ahold of me on facebook or twitter or one of those things.
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