I've decided to become a Women's Rights Activist after watching King of the Hill the other day.
It was an episode in which Hank wins a contest from a can of Alamo beer, and he and the other men from the Alley go to Louisiana. In Louisiana Bill reunites with his long lost family only to find out that he is one of the last remaining Dauterive's and thus the only one that can carry on their name. So the lady's are all up ons. However, this led me to think. Why the hell are men given the legacy? I don't want some jack ass male carrying on my family name. In the event that I am ever married and have children, I will keep my last name, and my children will get my last name. And I am going to drive it into their brains that they will not be taking their future husbands names. That the women in my family will be the ones that make the legacy, they will pass the name on. (I'll also probably be getting my last name changed to McQueen, or Love since no Dever ever did the world much good. And since Dever is just tacky and gross). Long story short, I'm interested and invested now. I want to learn all I can about women's rights and sufferage and gender equality. I'm going to be sharing what I learn with you lovely readers, (all three of you!) in a weekly blog segment called "Burning Brassieres." You can purchase the Brassiere shown above from TopShop as well. All I've learned thus far about the Women's Liberation Movement is that it began in the early 18th century and that its mostly about womens suffrage, right to vote, and so on. Stay tuned for more feminist fun.
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