1. Die Antwoord:
They seem to be this weird incestuous South African band and I'm in love with them. I want to marry the chick. The dude in there is totally hideous but I love him. I love his weird tats. And they sing about the most vulgar terrifying things. But its so beautiful and they wear neat clothes and have cool accents and I WANT TO BE THEM. Even with her weird "I cut my own bangs" 4th grader mullet hair. I'm just in lurve. And they have a person with Progeria in one of their videos. LOVE LOVE LOVE.

2. Terry Richardson:
Swoon. If there is one man that has captured everything I love on film, it is Terry Richardson. Easily my favorite Fashion Photographer and most def my favorite person on this earth right now. He's so vulgar and funny and perfect. And there's a recent scandal saying that all the models that he's worked with are coming out and saying that he's been sexually harassing them on set. But he's so famous that they're all just doing this anonymously because they're afraid of the media. But what can you do about anonymous rape? Not much. So he reigns! I love him. And these cute little shirts were made, and I must have one. Marry Meeee

3. Dakota Fanning:
Okay, it's creepy but whatever I'm just gonna say it. I've always had a crush on D. Fanning. I was young when she was young so its not that creepy. I just always knew she was going to be hot. And it's finally happened. And I'm so excited. However in The Runaways Kristen-I'm-a-moody-ugly-bitch-Stewart ruins the whole thing by looking like a stupid dyke that needs to take a shit. Though I am willing to look past that because D. Fan is just presh.

4. President Obama:
I'm in love with the big man in charge. I find him to be one of the most attractive men ever to be in office. Personally, I'd take Barack over JFK anyday. Especially in those pictures Terry Richardson took of him. Hottieeee. I really hate that dried up old hag wife of his though. I'm sure she's a nice lady and has a great personality. But really Perez Hilton? Mobama is not doing shit for fashion. She's just rich and letting big designers cloth those hideous man shoulders of hers.

5. Zodiac Sign Lighters:
As smokers, we go through lots of lighters. We know which lighters are good and which lighters are cheap and shitty (dollar store opaque neon lighters) and we grow attached to lighters when we don't lose them at parties. Me and my friends have come across a line of bic lighters that have the cutest little graphic design with Zodiac sign's on them. I have my Libra lighter, and then the others in our club are Leo, Cancer, Pisces, and I bought a Virgo one just for the hell of it. Also, there's been mass gossip about these weird brown bic lighters. They're super rare and awesome and I need one. I think I've found the perfect Crayola name for the color: Baby Shit Cappucino. I must have one.

6. Progeria:
Also known as the Benjamin Button Disease. But let me tell you, these little creatures are far from Brad Pit. This is not in anyway similar to the Primordial Dwarf obsession. It's more of a "this is so odd I cannot look away."It's almost disturbing. I want to meet one, I want to know someone with Progeria. I'm so intrigued. I was first introduced to Progeria when I saw the Die Antwoord video Enter the Ninja. There's totes a Proge baby in there. Not okay. Does the guy that played Mini Me in Austin Powers have Progeria? Because I've found lots of similarities when Googling. Also the picture I chose is a VERY cute Progerian baby. All the others I've seen, not so lucky. Google Progeria too see what I mean. Progeria is a disease that causes extremely rapid aging, so B. Button really fugged that up in the movie. The chance that your baby will be Progerian is about 1 in 8 million.

7. Primordial Dwarfism:
They are SO CUTE. They're like real life American Girl dolls! I just love them. I wonder if you have to buy them clothes offline at like, baby doll stores. I would imagine so. I want one, my mother never would splurge on the American Girl's when I was little. I will buy one and name it Kit and we will have matching outfits. And look at the one in the second picture, they just seem so sweet. Imagine one yelling or getting upset, you just can't.

8. Burt Reynolds & his mustache:
I've always had a thing for Burt Reynolds. I mean, the whole 70's porn star thing just gets me. But as of recently, I'm in love. Anything with a mustache, I'll take it. I really think the 70's porn star thing is making a comeback. Just look at "hipsters" these days. Washed out polo's? Tight jeans? Aviators? And now the 'stache is making a comeback. I think Michael Cera has something to do with it. I don't care though. I loves it. Then there is this oh so sexy picture of Burt Reynolds naked on a bear-skin rug. I came across this jewel on Google a while ago. Can't. Get. Enough. I think it should be a Got Milk? ad, what do you think?

9. Taxidermy:
I love taxidermy in general. Since I can remember I've wanted a deer head mounted in my room so I can put lipstick on it, and also a feather boa. But my favorite stuffed creature has to be hands down, the Jackalope. It is said to be "folklore" but I am an avid believer in this rodent, as well as the loch ness monster. By definition a Jackalope (in case you're an asshole and don't know already) is a jack rabbit with deer antlers and sometimes a pheasants tail. They are the cutest little things I've ever seen. I also love taxiderm-ed wolves, goats, ducks, meese and owls. I want all of them. When googling it I saw a stuffed elephant, not cute. Just disturbing.

10. Blenes:
Black Scene Girls. "Blenes" for short. This isn't a racial slur or stab at the african american people, it's just down right interesting. You can't deny it. Just look at them. They're kind of cute and endearing in a way. They have an edgy feel to them. Unlike other ethnicities of scenie weenies. Look at their hair especially. Tre chic. I also really like that last picture, where she pretends her eyes are blue. Lolz.
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