The 60's are making a come back. Working at H&M, I've seen a revival of trends made popular by Warhol and his cohorts of The Factory. Royal blues paired with light pinks, greys, and creams. Oversized tops with a tailored skinny bottom. Navy, peach, magenta. Chunky geometric jewelery and especially boyishly short pixie hair styles.
Which I am positively STOKED about. I'm knee deep. I'm also reading Janet Fithc's Paint It Black, in which the main character Josie has a Warhol revival herself when acting the part of a 60's IT girl in a student film. (Highly recommend that book. I've been in bed sobbing for weeks over it. Which believe it or not is a good thing)
For New Years this year I scored an amazing dress from St. Vincent DePaul. Very Twiggy-Nico-Edie and all that jazz. I just have to alter it. The best part about it? It's black, white, short, and after cutting it to just below my ass has a huge upside down cross on the front of it.
and now I will leave you all with the perfect sound track for a 60's revival